Our New Cloud locations (NLX, LAX, etc...) have the capability of using Floating IPs. The benefit of this is that the end-user can migrate this IP address between their servers in the same region.

To create a Floating IP address, peform the following steps:

1. In the cloud control panel (https://cloud.ramnode.com)
2. Click on the hamburger icon (three horzontal lines on the top-left of the screen)
3. Click on Cloud, then Floating IPs.
4. Click on the plus (+) icon on the bottom-right of the screen
5. Select a region (e.g. NLX)
6. Select a network (e.g. floating-ip)
7. Click Create
8. After the image is created, return to the page for the instance (hamburger, Cloud, Instances)
9. On the instance page, click on the Networking Tab
10. Click on Assign Floating IP
11. Select the floating IP and the port, then click Associate IP

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