Cloud instances (VPS) can be created from the Cloud Control Panel. You can access the control panel through the Client Area or directly at (check your cloud information email for login details).

To Launch an Instance

  1. Access the Cloud Control Panel. (Sign up here if you don't already have a cloud account).

  2. Click the Instances tab on the left sidebar:

  3. Click the orange + button at the bottom right.

  4. Enter your instance name and select a region to view available plans.

  5. Select the category and size (also called Flavor) for your instance.

  6. Click "CHANGE" to select an boot source / operating system.

    For differences between ISO and Cloud boot sources, see this article.

  7. Network Selection will be displayed if you created a private network. If not, the option will be hidden and a public IP will be assigned by default. Select SSH key(s) and/or enter a root password as desired.

    (Advanced users may also want to utilize Cloud-init user data)

  8. Click CREATE INSTANCE to launch a new VPS!
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