You will need to configure your DDoS-filtered IP manually after your order is processed. The IP, gateway, and netmask have been provided to you via email. Please use the configuration examples below as needed:

Example Netplan Configuration (Ubuntu/Debian)

  1. Log into your server.
  2. Get root:
    sudo -i
  3. Create a new configuration file:
    nano /etc/netplan/60-filtered-ip.yaml
  4. Add the following, replacing it with your IP and interface information:
        version: 2
            <adapter name>:
                  - <your filtered IP>/<netmask>
                gateway4: <filtered IP gateway>
                  addresses: [,]

    Adapter typically starts with eth or ens. You can find it with ip addr show or ifconfig.

  5. Apply your changes:
    netplan apply (netplan try to verify first)

You can confirm the IP was added properly with ip addr show

Example Interfaces Configuration (Debian)

  1. Log into your server.
  2. Create a new cloud-init configuration file /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/95-debian-network-config.cfg with contents network: {config: disabled}.
  3. Edit /etc/network/interfaces.d/50-cloud-init.cfg and comment all lines related to eth0 (or any interface you want to statically configure).
  4. Edit /etc/network/interfaces. Replace iface eth0 inet dhcp with:

    iface eth0 inet static
        address <your IPv4 address>/24
        gateway <your IPv4 gateway>

    You can add IPv6 the same way:

    iface eth0 inet6 static
        address <your IPv6 address>/64
        gateway <your IPv6 gateway>
  5. Save and close the file. Then run ifdown eth0;ifup eth0 or reboot.
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