10th Apr 2014
Atlanta Network Drop [Updated]
We are investigating a network drop in Atlanta. It seems both of our carriers are flapping (BGP sessions going up and down repeatedly). We will update this post once we know more. Please follow http://twitter.com/nodestatus as well.Update: Looks like it was some high level DDoS against our carrier IPs. We are still investigating but things seem to ...
9th Apr 2014
We are investigating an ARP issue in our NL network preventing certain IPs from functioning properly. We have Juniper investigating the configuration.
Update: We believe the ARP issues in the NL network are resolved. Please open a ticket if you have any further problems.
Update: We believe the ARP issues in the NL network are resolved. Please open a ticket if you have any further problems.
9th Apr 2014
NLSKVM5 Migration
We are going to move everyone off of NLSKVM5 to a completely new server. We have to move each VPS individually. The downtime should not be more than a few minutes per VPS. We expect to start the migrations between 12 PM and 3 PM EDT tomorrow (April 10). Hopefully this will resolve the kernel panics, but we will continue investigating.
2nd Apr 2014
Order Processing Delays
There may be some delay in order processing due to a glitch in the latest SolusVM version. We are investigating.