15th Dec 2012
SKVM Update #2
We should have more SKVM stock today! The part we thought would come in Monday ended up coming in today. Stay tuned!
13th Dec 2012
We should have more SSD KVM stock within the next day :)
12th Dec 2012
Low CKVM Stock
We temporarily have low CKVM stock. We'll be processing CKVM orders manually for the next day or so.
12th Dec 2012
Maintenance Reboots - Dec. 14 @ 11 PM EST
We will be performing a maintenance reboot of several nodes around 11 PM EST on Thursday December 13. We have discovered a bug on these nodes which prevents VPSs from rebooting properly through shell commands. The node reboots should fix this issue so that clients no longer have to force reboot their VPSs through the SolusVM control panel.All ...