29th May 2013
ATLCVZE5-2 Troubleshooting
We are troubleshooting the high load/network issues experienced earlier on ATLCVZE5-2. They should be gone now, but we will continue to monitor.
28th May 2013
Seattle Stock Update
We should have full Seattle stock within a few hours! Just received our new IP blocks from ARIN.
26th May 2013
CentOS YUM Issues
We are seeing some issues with Yum update/install running over IPv6 currently. We believe it is a problem on CentOS's side and nothing we can control. If you are using a new CentOS VPS, please run the following over SSH to force your system to work:sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6=1yum update ...
25th May 2013
ATLSKVM8 Emergency Reboot
We have had to reboot ATLSKVM8 due to issues with VNC and VPSs remaining offline when rebooted. We apologize for the inconvenience and will work to make sure the problem does not resurface later.